Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

My Life, My Friends and My Activities in Sarawak

from long straight hair to short bob hair.. here I am again.. I apologise it's been so long I didn't post anything here..
I've been wanting to post soo much but I don't have the free time.. I am actually still doing assignment right now.. there are plenty of assignments these days and final exam is just around the corner..24hours are definitely not enough for me right now..huhu.. and i'm so damn hungry right now I can become a green HULK!!huhu

U guys must have been wondering my new look right...

               This is my new look ^^,

It's been 3 months i'm here in Sarawak. UNIMAS to be exact.. now it has come to the FINAL EXAM.. honestly, i'm quite nervous how will this exam be like..hmm..plus I don't think I studied enough..huhu..those assignments are stealing my time from me to study..huhu

Today is Thursday.. For those who don't know, my members and I called Thursday a SPECIAL DAY with SPECIAL PERSON..haha that special person = ME..
I don't remember why is it that they called me "special" but I know it's because of something funny..haha
Every Thursday we would go to Student's Lounge BHEP to have our lunch.. I love the blueberry cheese tart there!!Nyum2~

My loyal members would be Amirul Aftar and Harvind. But since TMX class is now finished, we have new members that are Adie, Johnny and Eliza..hehe

Ladies and Gentleman, these are my Board of Directors..hahaha :p

Amirul Aftar bin Kamarudin

Harvind a/l Sri Balasubramaniam

Adie bin Kuanting

Elizarohoyih anak Acho & Johnny anak Pilang Enam

Sadly I can't go back for christmas, but my friends here are making me feel like home, we did went to caroling at my friend's house.. I even sang christmas song in BIDAYUH!! :)

my beloved friends in christ

That is all for now, till the next entry..

With Love,

Casey =)